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English translation for "power generation cost"


Related Translations:
sandwich generation:  〔美国〕“三明治”式一代〔指上有老下有小均需照顾的一代人〕。
ontaneous generation:  自然发生
alarm generation:  告警发生
dislocation generation:  位错起动
path generation:  轨迹生成路径生成通路形成
original generation:  超级机器人大战原创世纪
syntax generation:  句法生成
view generation:  视图生成
hybrid generation:  杂种世代
computer generations:  计算机代计算机发展阶段计算机世代
Example Sentences:
1.This paper introduces wind power generation cost in china . wind power is a kind of cleaner and no pollution and regenerate power
2.Draw a conclusion : the social cost of wind power generation is lower ; third , the real cost of wind power generation are studied by model of wind distribution and generation amount and calculating the cost of wind power generation ; the factors affecting wind power generation cost are studied by sensitivities with a real example and draw a conclusion : average wind rate is most influence to wind power generation cost and the ways of reducing wind power generation cost are discussed . fourth , the trend of wind power generation cost is analysised and draw a conclusion : wind power generation cost is dropping ; this paper uses many qualitative and quantitative methods and uses a real example to study wind power generation cost and advanced some ways solving high wind power generation cost
得出;平均风速的变动,对风电成本影响最大;同时分析了减低风电成本的途径; 4本文从三个方面对我国风电成本的走势进行了分析,得出风电成本在未来的发展趋势是逐渐下降的;本文运用了定性、定量方法,以实例为原则,首次比较全面地从社会总成本角度对风电成本进行研究,同时对影响风力发电的因素进行了比较深入的研究,提出了解决风力发电发展中存在问题的方法。
3.Hence , this paper is accomplished to develop the study of the wind power generation cost . the content is as follows : first , the history and the present of wind power generation are introduced ; second , the social cost of wind power generation are studied by means of comprehensive analyses
1首先,本文介绍了风力发电的历史和现状; 2其次,运用层次综合分析方法,从社会总成本的角度对风力发电成本进行研究,得出风力发电的社会总成本第二的结论; 3再次,运用风速分布模型、期望发电量模型、风电成本计算模型,对我国风力发电的实际成本状况进行研究;通过敏感性分析的方法,以实例对影响风电成本的因素进行研究。
4.So studying the cost of the wind power generation and studying the factors of affecting wind power generation costs and finding the ways of decreasing the wind power generation costs in our country have very important realistic meanings and it can promote the cause of the wind power generation and improve the energy constitutes and administer circumstance pollution in our country
5.Direct separation of co _ ( 2 ) from flue gas will lead to a reduction of power generation efficiency and an increase of power generation cost . the content of co _ ( 2 ) in flue gas is only about 3 - 15 % , which will lead to complicated separation process and high cost . this is because co _ ( 2 ) separation is very difficult from common flue gas , which has low co _ ( 2 ) concentration and high n _ ( 2 ) concentration at normal pressure
从锅炉排烟中分离co _ 2将在一定程度上使电站效率降低,发电成本增加,其主要原因是燃煤电站锅炉排烟中co _ 2浓度一般仅为3 15 ,在较低的压力下从以氮气为主要成分的混合气体中分离较低浓度的co _ 2气体的难度很大,从而导致分离设备复杂,成本较高。
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